Moving and Handling Principles
This course is designed for people who are required to move and/or handle items or goods within the workplace. Candidates will be taught how to identify potential hazards and risks and determine the safest method of manual handling without injury.
The course syllabus meets the requirements as specified in the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.
On completion of training, successful candidates will be able to:
- Understand manual handling.
- Understand spinal anatomy and related injuries.
- Understand upper limb disorders.
- Help protect your back.
- Understand legislation in the workplace.
- Undertake a risk assessment.
- Carry out safer handling.
- Participate in team handling.
- Correctly push and pull loads.
- Identify aids to manual handling.
We strongly recommend that every employee undertakes this course and encourage employers to consider this training as part of each new employee’s induction.
Candidates will be assessed throughout the course. Evidence of underpinning knowledge will be required for certification.
Certificate duration: 3 years