Little Junior QCPR Manikin

£269.00 £322.80

  • Realistic, inexpensive and lightweight paediatric CPR training manikin with QCPR technology
  • Oral and nasal passages allow realistic nose pinch required for mouth-to-nose and mouth-to-mouth ventilation
  • Natural obstruction of the airway allows students to learn the important technique of opening the airway
  • Head tilt/chin lift and jaw thrust allow students to correctly practice all manoeuvres necessary when resuscitating a real patient
  • Audible feedback for chest compressions reinforces correct compression depth with an optional ‘clicker’ feature


Subject to availability, your order will be delivered within 3 – 5 working days

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Product benefits:

  • Now with QCPR feedback technology, to help instructors improve CPR training quality, efficiency, and learner engagement.
  • Educationally effective by offering all of the essential features necessary for learning child CPR
  • Affordability through increased hands-on practice by allowing higher student-to-manikin ratios
  • Realistic anatomical landmarks provide the essential features necessary to teach quality appropriate CPR techniques
  • Logistically convenient lightweight design makes Little Junior easy to transport
  • Durable construction allows unequalled long-term use

Product features:

Little Junior QCPR allows an instructor to monitor up to six learners at the same time from the palm of their hand. The QCPR Instructor App provides an easy to view performance summary that highlights which students may require further guidance. At a glance, you can see who is not compressing deeply enough, who is not compressing at the correct rate and who is over ventilating. Students can monitor their own performance with the QCPR Learner app or the tethered SkillGuide device.

QCPR measurement and feedback technology enables:

• Real-time feedback on compressions and ventilations
• Post-training debrief, including overall scores and tips for improvement
• Details on compression release, depth and rate, ventilation volume, and number of compressions, ventilations and cycles

QCPR Instructor App

With this app, the instructor gets a performance overview of up to six manikins, simultaneously. Using their own observations and the objective feedback from the app, the instructor can quickly and effectively coach the learners to improve. The Instructor app is also used to run QCPR Race.


• Manikin

• 2 manikin faces

• 2 airways

• 6 manikin wipes

• Jacket for manikin

• Soft pack carrying case/training mat

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