Creating a nation of lifesavers
St Andrew’s First Aid is Scotland’s dedicated first aid charity and leading first aid training provider

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Help us save lives

Your gift will help us to continue supporting communities and train new life-savers. Our supporters’ donations make the work we do possible.

Help us save lives

as a single donation
as a monthly gift

people trained in first aid

hours of pandemic response

youth first aid volunteers

adult first aid volunteers

Volunteering with St Andrew’s opens up numerous opportunities from covering a wide range of events from large football games and concerts to smaller fun days and theatre shows, along with working with an extremely friendly and welcoming team allowing you to develop and gain new experiences. There are multiple development opportunities to further your skillset and move into different roles, from team leading to logistics and communications.

Kieran Ferguson
Volunteer in Glasgow and the West

St Andrew’s First Aid is our first choice for providing our employees with first aid certifications. We have recently trained 6 employees on Emergency First Aid at Work, 2 on First Aid for Mental Health and have an additional number of courses booked in.

We have always been very happy with the level of training our employees receive and knowing we are giving back to their charitable efforts in booking also makes a big difference. 

Matthew Ling
Operations Manager, Catalyst EPS